THE METAMORPHOSIS OF THE “LECTURA SUPER APOCALIPSIM” INTO THE “DIVINA COMMEDIA” The Commedia reached “the glory of the tongue” by means of a substantial intertextual elaboration of the Lectura super Apocalipsim, which Petrus Iohannis Olivi, a Franciscan friar, finished writing in 1297/1298; barely ten years before Dante started to write the “sacred poem” in 1307 …
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THE RESEARCH IN A NUTSHELL O Italiani, io vi esorto alle storie (Oh Italians, I urge you to History) Ugo Foscolo The intent of the research published on this website is to study the historical facts as truly lived by Dante. True facts are sparse in history, though this is offset by a multitude …
The Author
ALBERTO FORNI Born in Rome in 1953, Alberto Forni graduated in humanities at the University La Sapienza of Rome in 1976 with a thesis on Jacques de Vitry (about 1170-1240) supervised by Girolamo Arnaldi and Raoul Manselli. In 1976-1977 he attended the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici in Naples and in 1980-1981 he collaborated …